*Disclaimer: The following project is meant for educational purposes only and does not intend to disrupt the authentic brand values and brand codes in any way.

The following project proposes a new Art Direction strategy for the brand keeping the DNA and brand codes in mind. The strategy aims to be fresh, young and contemporary in terms of concepts and visual aesthetics. It focuses on the three main chanels of communication namely Print Media, Digital and Retail.


To  step into the world of Contemporary Luxury keeping in mind the emotional needs of the client. To show the client what would it be like to be a part of the fantasy through luxury. The brand believes in  extravaganza for women. Taking forward that aspect of flamboyance,  the brand brings in the idea of Contemporary Luxury.  Luxurious fashion presented in a way that depicts fantasy giving a very modern aesthetic and a strong visual language to the brand.

field of action

The strategy  proposed is collaborations with Middle Eastern celebrities for cinematic promotions, red carpets, celebrity parties etc and hosting an interactive event for the clientele of the brand. The breif key points for the strategy include for it to be more:

  1. Contemporary
  2. Consumer inclusive
  3. Approchable in terms of digital media
  4. To create a commercial outlook for art direction and branding. 

strategy subject

The strategy subject revolves around a lot of collaborations with celebrities and major influencers from the MiddleEastern region.  Since the brand origin and roots lie within this area, the brand focuses more to work with these women. to reach out  in totality  to Middle East and Europe.  

strategy message

To  make women dream,  believe and reach out to flamboyance, extravaganza and contemporary luxury. Also,  for the brand to  enlighten its core values and executions to regions that are unreachable especially in the Middle East which has a very huge growing curve and where the roots of the brand lie. 

strategy audience

FIRDAUS: An educated aware, sophisticated arabic woman rich in culture, heritage, and  socialising. Attends big celebrity events and social gatherings,  also fashionable. Keen to learn new emerging concepts  and believes in the power of dreams and fantacy.

The idea is to include modernism and contempory values to the existing aesthetics of the brand. Keeping in mind the romanticism that the brand believes in, the new concept tries to elevate the brand to a mind boggling level where the visual language showcases the world of luxury combined with dreams and fantacy. The collections of the brand would be presented in a way depicting amusing  ideas of creativity and imagination that a person would get lost into. 
These visuals will attract the consumers to land in the dreamy world of Zuhair Murad with the help of different modes of communication.
